SHORT-SHORT NONFICTION FILMS: must be 10 minutes or less in running time, including opening and ending credits. Short nonfiction films may fall under multiple categories and documentary types. Read on below for further details.
FEES are non-refundable
Festival is open to U.S. and International entries
Films not in English must be subtitled with English subtitles
FILM ELIGIBILITY: In consideration of pandemic disruptions in festival opportunities, short-short documentary films completed after January 1, 2020 are eligible for Doc Fest Memphis 2023 under the terms below.
Films that have been released publicly, theatrically, on broadcast television, or are available on Video-on-Demand or a streaming platform are not eligible for competition.
ROUGH-CUTS and WORKS-IN-PROGRESS: Rough-cuts or short segments of works-in-progress ARE eligible for festival competition. However, these films must be able to stand on their own merits and will be judged on their own merits. For example, a finished segment or ‘chapter’ of an unfinished or not-fully-funded feature-length documentary could be audience- and competition-ready; as representative of the unfinished feature-length work, these segments may be submitted and will be judged on their own merit.
Sizzle-reels, trailers or previews will not be accepted as submissions.
SUBMISSION FORMAT: Entries MUST BE submitted for pre-screening with a private, password-protected VIMEO or private YOUTUBE link. Filmmakers are required to keep the festival contacts updated with passwords.
Filmmakers may submit multiple entries. However, entrants must complete a separate entry form and pay the entry fee for each separate submission.
UPDATED CUTS: Doc Fest screeners will screen films as they were originally submitted; we cannot guarantee to screen updated cuts of films. However if filmmakers have updated cuts ready before the final deadline, they should email festival organizers immediately, and every effort will be made to have the updated cut screened for the festival.
FINAL FILMS: Between 12 and 18* films will be selected for competition for StoryBoard Shorts, Doc Fest Memphis. (*12 to 18 films depending on length of total final films as they will fit within a roughly 2-hour festival screening block).
ENVELOPE-TEAR: Final film selections will be announced at a party and envelope-tear in Memphis, Tennessee in early May, 2023. The envelope-tear will also be live-streamed for entrants, stakeholders and audiences.
FINALISTS & FORMATS: Finalists will be required to deliver their film files to the festival organizers in full 4k UHD (or upscaled or “upses’d”) 16×9 aspect ratio, in NTSC 1920x1080p or higher using AVC encoding standards.
LIABILITIES & COPYRIGHTS: StoryBoard Doc Fest cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage incurred en route, or due to normal wear and tear. StoryBoard Doc Fest is held harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses that may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark or credits, publicly or during screening of any films.